Design concept 設計理念
一帆風順 Smooth Sailing
設計人:胡焱榮 Soofeen Hu
2017 | 17 x 28.5 x 8.5 cm | 1.98 kg


Chrysanthemum has been praised as “one of the four gentlemen of the flowers” in Chinese culture and has been a favorite element for artists throughout the ages. It is often used as a metaphor for the integrity and nobility of character, defying the frost and standing tall. At the same time, it can be used as medicine for health, so it also has the connotation of prolonging longevity. The work is based on the sail of a ship on the sea, signifying smooth sailing, and combines the auspicious meaning of chrysanthemums and the natural vitality of insects to show a good blessing. On the sail is Yan Zhen-qing’s letters, "I have recently heard that the Ambassador Liu has arrived in Ying-zhou. Wu Xi-guang has surrendered. It is enough to comfort the heart of the sea.", from Yan Zhen-qing’s letters, The Post of the Ambassador of Liu Zhong, is written on the sail, which carries the caring comfort and blessing for the country.