Design concept 設計理念
富貴彩頭 Good Omen of Wealth and Prosperity
富貴彩頭 Good Omen of Wealth and Prosperity
設計人:胡焱榮 Soofeen Hu
2013 | 13 x 9 x 6.5 cm | 582 g


Cabbage is the theme of the sculpture. Taking the homophonic pun of "vegetable" and "wealth" in Chinese, cabbage means "hundreds of wealth", and encountering cabbage means "encountering hundreds of wealth". Layers of cabbage leaves imply a wide source of wealth, and cabbage is also known as the "wealth-generating vegetable". Because of its white color, cabbage has the meaning of cleanliness and innocence. It is also a nutritious food for the general public. Since ancient times, there has been a proverb that says "Cabbage and tofu are good for health", which represents health and peace of mind.
The insects on the cabbage symbolize the vitality of nature, the praying mantis with its strong forelegs signifies courage and fortitude, and the scarab beetle represents good luck. The white radish, or "chai tau" in the Taiwanese language, has the meaning of "good luck" and "good omen".
This piece is skillfully carved from a single piece of jade, with clearly visible veins and curling leaves in folds, vivid and natural, compact and exquisite. The work is a jade ornament with the meaning of auspiciousness and blessing.